Friday, August 5, 2016


I’ve done plenty of posts on the internet talking about chemicals, talking about the dangers of processed junk fast foods and in this post I'm going to talk about detoxing and give you a couple of different foods and items that you want eliminated from your diet in a step-by-step program so you can customize the perfect detox for you.
There is a boatload of different detox diets and it can be really overwhelming when you decide that you want to do some kind of a detox and then you want to choose which one to do. And a thing to know is that all of the different detox methods are all going to kind of do the same thing and so when it comes to choosing a detox that's right for you, it's about listening to your body, doing what you think is really going to work and knowing that you don’t have to do a really extreme detox to give benefit to your body.
Many people promote detoxing for weight loss, the primary goal of detoxing is to eliminate toxins from your body, improve your energy, give your liver and your digestive system a little break and in general you can clear up skin, you can relief pain and improve your overall health.
You can detox anywhere from 3-days to 3-weeks and even beyond and when it comes to choosing a detox time that's right for you, just do whatever is comfortable. One day is way better than zero days, but 10-14 days is a good thing to aim for.
Let's start our countdown of the top things you want to eliminate so you can start your How to Detox for Beginners;
  • The first recommendation is just to start drinking more water, so before you start eliminating anything, just make a habit of drinking more water. Drink a big glass in the morning when you Hydro Flaskwake up, drink it throughout the day. I actually carry around a canteen of water so that I’m constantly drinking water, I don’t even really think about it. You can add lemon or lime, you can add ice, you can even add some blueberries to your water to spice it up, but drinking water is very clarifying, it helps improve all of your different digestive processes. It can clear up your skin and in general just improve your health. I like using my awesome 64oz Hyro Flask to keep my drinks cold. 
  • The next recommendation before you start your detox is to exercise or exercise more. Exercising gets your heart going, it works out your muscles and your body kind of has a use it or lose it phenomenon going. So if you don’t ever work out your heart or you don’t ever work out your muscles, over time they're going to atrophy and by the time you’re an adult you're not even going to have the stamina to raise your heartbeat the way you would, if you are exercising regularly.
  • Another way that exercising is beneficial is improving your circulation and because you're sweating that is providing some detox as well. So even being an sauna can be good to induce some sweating and help you start detoxing.
  • Let's start talking about eliminating bad foods from our diet and again I want to reinforce, just do what you can. If you can just make these couple of eliminations, that's fine and again if you can only do it for 3-days okay. If you can do it for 10-days that’s great, but even if you just do it for 1-day, that's better than nothing and will definitely give you some benefits. The first things we want to eliminate are alcohol, cigarettes and coffee. And again as long as you can go in eliminating these things, you will definitely get some benefits. You'll see more clarifying in your skin, you'll see more energy and in general that will be a good way to start detoxing some of those harmful chemicals from your body.
  • The next echelon of foods to eliminate will be; fast foods, junk foods and fried foods and if you can eliminate those for a little while, you would definitely see some benefits. Most of those junk foods, fried foods; they are empty calories, they're going to cause you to gain weight that are going to instantly turn to fat, they are not giving you any real nutrition, they're spiking your blood sugar and messing with your energy and your mood, so eliminating those is a very good idea.
  • The next step would be to eliminate all processed foods; refined flours, refined sugar and if you check out my top ten super foods post, that will give you a list of ten foods that all meet these requirements, these are not processed, these are natural foods. Eliminating processed foods from your diet completely would definitely be a good way to be preventing putting toxins and chemicals into your body so your body can detox.
  • The next step will be to eliminate meat and dairy; dairy causes inflammation in the body, so eliminating cheese, eliminating milk products is a good way to just kind of ease up on your digestive system a little bit. And if eliminating meat is completely impossible for you, then maybe consider just eliminating red meat and sticking to lean chicken and fish. Meat is full of saturated fats and it's also kind of difficult for the body to digest. It's a really good idea to give your body a break from meat every once in a while.
Red Smoothie Detox
  • At this point you diet primarily consists of fruits, vegetables, legumes; like beans and maybe brown rice and other non-refined grains. If you want to take a step further from here, you can actually go down to a raw diet and a raw diet can be a very functional as a detox for maybe 10 days or a couple of weeks and at that point you're eating raw nuts, you're eating raw fruits and vegetables not cooked and then you'll also be avoiding wheat and gluten. But if you still feel like you're eating too much food, you could go one step further and do a juice fast. This means that you're eating fruits and vegetables, but you're putting them through a juicer and you're actually just consuming the juice.
  • This has a whole lot of different benefits that we can discuss in a different video. One thing that's lost when you're juicing is the fiber, so this is going to be a lot, you're getting close to fasting. If you're doing this and that could be very hard for some people, so that's why I broke this down in steps, you don't have to go to a juice fast to get some detoxing, you can do any of those steps above that, but I do want to mention that a juice fast can be great for detox and if you want more information on that checkout the juice fast here.
  • Probably the most extreme of the detox diet is actually fasting or even be master cleansed. I actually did the master cleanse and I had a great experience with the master cleanse, that’s where you have eliminated food completely and you drink a mix of cyan pepper, lemon and water with maple syrup and it gives you a little bit of sugar from the maple syrup. It actually does sustain you, I was able to go to work, I was able to work out, I felt great, but you don’t have to fast to do a detox, that's my whole point in this video. If you’re someone who is eating a diet pretty full of junk foods, pretty full of processed foods, then doing a juice fast or doing a master cleanse is a really big step for you and if you just started with some of those prior eliminations, that will be really great, but if you're somebody who's on a really clean diet and you want to do a detox, then maybe juice fasting or master cleansing is right for you. There's tons more of information like that on the Internet that’s available to you if you’re interested in that.
I hope you have enjoyed this post and please subscribe to my blog and post your comments.